Duplex/Twin Strainers

Also known as Double Basket, Duplex/Twin strainers are used to remove large particles of dirt and debris in pipeline systems where flow cannot be stopped. Depending upon their NB size they are capable of filtration up to 40 µm.

The duplex strainer system usually consists of two separate strainer baskets housings.

The system also contains a valve handle placed between the two baskets to divert the flow of liquid to one strainer while the other is being cleaned. The valve either works automatically with the strainer performing self cleaning operation, or manually with the strainer requiring handling by the personnel.

Duplex strainers are mainly used in various industries such as process industry, power industry, chemical industry, oil and gas industry, pulp and paper industry, pharmaceutical industry, metals and mining industry, water and waste management, fire fighting industry, refineries and petrochemical plants to remove hazardous element which might cause breakdown in the systems.